Saturday, December 18, 2010


After a ridiculously long week, Friday finally arrived.  Was my excitement about the fact that I have two weeks off of school?  Absolutely not.  All that was on my mind was Wreckers, my derby test and Sunday's tryouts.  In order to scrimmage, all players have to score over 70% on a written test which covers the official women's flat track derby rule book.  For about the last two weeks, I read and reread the rule book (which is about 40 pdf pages). I was going to be taking the test at some point during practice on Friday night.  Practice began with the leaders asking for a show of hands for which skaters were planning on trying out on Sunday.  I raised my hand, along with 95% of the rest of the group.  Gulp.  The leaders then told us that they would be running a mock tryout, so we could have a general idea of what to expect on Sunday.  I was thrilled.  Having only been to a handful of practices, I certainly don't know all there is to know about derby.  Since I am such a novice, my biggest fear about tryouts has been them asking us to demonstrate a skill that I had never heard of-much less tried.  The "tryout" was surprisingly short, as it consisted of only three different drills, and I was familiar with all they asked us to do.  They gave the group some excellent tips about specific skill demonstration and the basics on how to present yourself.
After the mock-tryout portion of the practice was over, those who were taking the written test were called over.  I can't remember the last time I took a multiple choice test.  Maybe it was my driver's test when I moved to Oregon?  I didn't have to take a single test in grad school that wasn't an essay.  The test was harrrrrd.  For example:
Which of the following is considered a minor penalty?
a. cutting the track in front of the opposing team's blocker in the back of the pack
b.  cutting the track in front of the opposing team's jammer in the front of the pack
c. cutting the track in front of the blocker that initiated the block which knocked the skate out of bounds in the first place
d. a and b
e. all of the above.
f. none of the above
g. these are all major penaltys
h. you are an idiot and don't know this answer
Ok, I exaggerated a bit after e.

I finished the 40-question test and got back on the track, convinced that I would NEVER be able scrimmage after taking that test.  One of the other skaters who was talking smack to me last practice (in a good way) resolved to just call me "Winter Sports" from now on, as she somehow became aware of my ice skating background.  Previously, when she was trying to knock me out or catch up to me, she would say "*&%*^% ---*%$#@$ you ice-skating *#%#@!"  Now it is:  "*&%*^% ---*%$#@$ Winter Sports!"

Practice concluded with a rousing game of freeze-tag which is about the most fun thing in the world.  I sat down, absolutely exhausted and peeled my gear off.  On my way out of the hangar, I stopped by the table and asked Avenging Angel, the admin. for Wreckers, if she happened to have graded my test.  She dug through the pile and pulled out my scoresheet.  75%, baby!  Hot diggity dog!